I did a medical update on Megatron but he's also been having lots of fun being a normal kid lately too!
Last month we went on our first post-transplant family vacation. The last time the three of us went anywhere other than Pittsburgh for a medical appointment was when Megatron was just 3 months old and we went to Disney World. We used The Pilot's flight "benefits" and flew standby to Denver. It was an adventure to say the least but we made it there and back and aren't too traumatized. We had so much fun! It was a huge undertaking to make arrangements to have all of this food either shipped in advanced, packed in a cooler that we carried onto the plane or purchased by my friend, Lauren, who we stayed with in Denver. Megatron did great despite the time difference and being all off schedule.
Airplanes have the same effect on him that cars do! |
We don't travel light. |
Denver Children's Museum. |
We all had a blast at the museum. |
Red Rocks |
We also had another zoo adventure with the organization, A Kid Again. This time he was big enough to ride a couple of the kiddie rides at the zoo, which were free for the A Kid Again families to ride. He loved it! I on the other hand was a little motion sick. I can't spin in a circle anymore! Usually Megatron is asleep by 8 pm but for the special night at the zoo, he was still going strong at 9! As we were heading towards the exit though, he had the opportunity to pick out a prize but he didn't want to get out of the stroller. He just whispered that he wanted mama to pick it out for him. He finally hit a wall and was worn out! He plays hard and then sleeps hard!
If the African lion looked hot, you can probably imagine how hot we were. |
Checking out the sting rays. |
Feeding a giraffe. |
Exactly. |
Just the fact that it's summer finally has added some fun to our days hanging out at home plus we are getting out and about more than ever. Despite being so heat sensitive, we try to get outside as much as we can. He sure sleeps better on the days he gets some outside play time!
Our neighbor had put an old, beat up Cozy Coupe on the curb several
weeks ago and since it still rolled, I snatched it. It had marker all
over it and looked like it had been dragged around the concrete on its
side so The Pilot used his model airplane painting stills and gave the
Cozy Coupe a new look with a can of spray pain. We now have an Army
"jeep." |
Playing in a sprinkler for the first time. |
Chillaxin' at his cousin's lacrosse game. |
Exploring a new park with one of his cousins. |
Not so sure about the wobbly bridge. |
Taking his art work very seriously.... |
Or not. |
Family time! |
I think the skinned knees are here to stay for the summer! |
While Megatron is s typical, moody, irrational almost 3-year-old, it's never lost on me when he gets to experience something for the first time. We weren't guaranteed any of these moments with him so even something as seemingly small as running through a sprinkler, it actually a huge deal in my heart. It's fun watching things through the eyes of someone experiencing everything for the first time.
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